“Aint no money in poetry, that’s what sets the poet free. I’ve had all the freedom I can stand” Guy Clark

Daithi Rua is my stage name. I’m an Irish singer songwriter (retired) based in Belgium with over 30 years of experience in the music business. I’ve toured extensively all over mainland Europe and have had the honour to tour and write with some of the finest musicians and songwriters on the scene. A couple of years prior to Corona and lockdowns, I had been tiring of road life and wanted to find another way forward within the music business. Audio and video production had always appealed to me. Back around 2013 in the city of Ghent, my little home recording studio nicknamed ‘The Rua Room’ was in full swing and it was instrumental in my own songwriting and production work. Over time it also served many other great artists in the creation of their own little masterpieces.

By 2018 I wanted to step the productions up a notch and also create a YouTube channel. This gave me the creative outlet I craved. I really felt I was giving something back to the music business and the channel allowed me to showcase awesome songwriting talent from Belgium and beyond. ‘Songs From The Rua Room’ YouTube channel was born. I hope you enjoy all the content posted there, especially the songs and songwriters I showcase and that you will dig deeper into their music catalogues, share the videos and buy their music. 

 The Rua Room project would not exist were it not for the very kind donations and sponsoring from wonderful individuals behind the scenes. I’m extremely grateful for their contributions, big and small. I want to give a special mention to Cafe De Loge (Ghent’s finest singer songwriter venue) who got behind the sponsoring of the project from the word go. You can check out recorded performances on the ’Tuesday circle at De Loge’ playlist on the channel. A huge thank you also to all the great companies I’m proud to be associated with and who are behind the project and the music 100% Last but by no means least, Thanks to YOU the listener and viewer for not only supporting the Rua Room Project but for supporting the artists who so graciously give me their time, energy and talent to make this channel and studio what it is. 

The Rua Room has since moved away from Ghent (only 30 mins by car/train) and is now to be found in Waarschoot (Lievegem) The Rua Room offers a warm friendly atmosphere with plenty of tea or coffee where you can record your video or songs at your ease

How You Can Support The Project? Watch the videos of the great artists I record, subscribe to the YouTube channel, follow on social media, like & share the videos… Feel free to support financially by using the PayPal link, Becoming a channel member (€4.99 a month) or by booking a video/audio recording session with me to get some cool videos or audio tracks for your own promotional purposes. 

email [email protected] or DM through social media 

The Latest Song From The Rua Room

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MONDAY MARCH 31st @ 20:00 CET


“Singing in The Rua Room is an absolute must for every songwriter! Make sure to say yes if you get the invite” – Eva De Roovere

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